Ayurvedic Nutrition & Cooking Intensive

Ayurvedic cooking &nutrition intensive

This three day intensive will leave you with a comprehensive understanding of nutrition from the Ayurvedic perspective. There will be lectures on Ayurvedic nutrition as well as cooking demonstrations and time to sample many classical Ayurvedic recipes. 

The ancient science of life, Ayurveda, simplifies nutrition with a common sensical approach to food, seasonal diets & eating according to body type.

About Ayurvedic Nutrition

Ayurveda originates in India and is more than 5000 years old. It is recognised by the W.H.O as the oldest and most complete traditional health care system. In Ayurveda, nutrition extends beyond the individual components of food (lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water) and incorporates other important principals, like taste, potency, digestive power, seasonal & individual variations, toxic load, correct timing, food combining, etc. According to Ayurveda the caloric intake to output of energy is not of key importance but rather the diet should be selected in such a way that it should bring back or maintain homeostasis (balance within the body). It should stimulate appetite, pacify the vitiated Doshas (energies) & Dhatus (tissues) and at the same time it should be palatable. Selection of food & recipes should depend upon factors like the condition of digestive capacity, age, strength as well as certain other individual factors.

To understand this concept of nutrition more clearly we will cover:

* The fundamentals of Ayurvedic philosophy

* Doshas

* Body types

* Seasons

* Digestive strength

* Toxin & disease formation

* Elimination 

& much more

All of these topics come succinctly together when forming a complete Ayurvedic diet.

We will also study in detail, all food groups such as spices, vegetables, grains, dairy products, nuts and seeds, fruits, meats etc. from an Ayurvedic perspective. In-between study sessions there will be Ayurvedic cooking demonstrations where you will sample various famous traditional Ayurvedic recipes.

  • As part of the course you will be provided with extensive course notes on Ayurvedic nutrition and also many recipes.
  • This course is ideal for any practitioner wishing to deepen their knowledge in the preventative and therapeutic role diet plays in health.
  • It is also open to any individual who has a keen interest in healthy eating.

For bookings call 061 622751 or email ei.aymtas@ofni